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PDMi is committed to providing pithy information through our E-bits blog and we hope you find these articles useful.

  • Writer's pictureBrad Bollman

We are in the process of doing a space planning project for an ongoing client. They have purchased an existing building that actually came with a set of the original blue prints (that almost never happens!). The issue is that there have been several internal renovations done over the years and no one documented the changes. We are now tasked with surveying the existing building and putting together an accurate set of existing documents so that we can effectively complete the space planning. This is an example of doing a set of “As-Builts” well after the fact. Had the previous owner documented the renovations “yesterday”, it would be easier to do planning “today”.

Both space measurement and “As-Built” documents are very important components to the building renovation process. Space measurement normally occurs early in the project in order to establish existing layouts, wall locations and overall building size. “As-Builts” are normally done when a project is completed to document exactly what was built, as it may differ from the original construction documents. Having good documentation is key to any successful project. It can come in the form of space measurement up front or “As-Built” documents at the end, but either way it’s important.

If you’d like to know more about good documentation, give us a call. We’d be happy to help you with all of your planning and design needs.

  • Writer's pictureBrad Bollman

We often have clients that are “new” to the building process. Similar to the picture, the building process can be confusing and overwhelming. We have helped countless clients work through the confusion that is the building process.

I had a potential client call me a few weeks ago. She had purchased an older building and wanted to convert it to a coffee shop. She has a good business plan and an even better vison of what her coffee shop will look like when it opens for business. The problem is, she has never gone through a building process before. We met with her and talked through all of the constraints of the local agencies, the State of Indiana building codes and the importance of hiring the right contractors to get the work done on time and on budget. As you could imagine, she had lots of questions.

PDMi has done countless building projects through the years. We work on everything from small existing renovation projects, to new office/retail buildings all the way up to large warehousing and manufacturing projects. This vast range of projects has given us the knowledge and experience to walk clients through the building process, step by step. It all starts with solid up front planning and moves from there into detailed design. Once those items are complete, the client has the tools to engage with qualified contractors that will help finish the project and allow the client to execute the vison they have for the project.

The building process can be daunting, but PDMi has the knowledge and expertise to work with our clients to get them to the finish line. Give us a call, we’d love to take the journey with you.

  • Writer's pictureBrad Bollman

What are Wetlands? Wetlands are described as “areas where water covers the soil, or is present either at or near the surface of the soil all year or for varying periods of time during the year, including during the growing season.” We have done several projects recently that have had the dreaded wetlands involved. It seems like a daunting situation when a client calls and tells you that they want to add onto their existing facility, but they have wetlands somewhere in the area of the proposed addition. We at PDMi are not wetland experts by any means, but we know how to navigate the delineation and mitigation process.

There are two general categories of wetland: Coastal and Inland. Here in the Midwest, we deal with the inland variety and all of the governmental regulations that surround them. Wetlands can certainly be a cause for headache when involved in a building project, but certainly should not be viewed as a reason to run away from a building project. There are many specialists in the field of wetland delineation and mitigation. These specialists understand all the environmental regulations that come with wetlands and what can and can’t be done in and around them. It is always best to get a specialist involved early in the process to ensure that your specific wetlands don’t shut the project down before it starts.

Wetlands on your property can be a concern, but many times they can be worked around or removed entirely. We believe that as solution providers, PDMi has the knowledge to work alongside the proper specialists that will help keep your project moving forward despite the headache of wetlands on your property. Give us a call, we’d love to jump in and be of assistance.

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