With the myriad of state & local regulations, it can be a frustrating and expensive process to re-purpose a historic structure so it can be used again. PDMi has had the privilege of helping guide several clients through such a journey for the interior & exterior renovation of older buildings in downtown areas. Together with our clients we have solved…
Building Code issues for Changes of Use.
Limitations of existing structural systems.
How to create new interior layouts incorporating existing constraints.
Bringing tired facades back to life.
By providing design, engineering and code consulting, we have been able to deliver innovative and cost effective solutions to the construction process and construction code compliance challenges that typically plague this type of project.
We believe that if at all possible, these great older buildings should be saved and put to good productive use once again. However, the current regulatory climate of our society can make re-use very difficult at best, and sometimes not economically feasible. Let PDMi meet your next project’s unique challenges with innovative wisdom to guide you through this maze. We look forward to your call.